Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Stories, metaphors and allegories.

Stories, metaphors and allegories satisfy our craving to understand and create meaning while continually and inevitably blurring our awareness of what is really happening. 

We have story telling deeply ingrained in our culture. It stems from our greatest asset, our communication skills - speech. 

Speech works through assigning symbols, words, to events, things, concepts and to our dreams. Other people need to have an understanding of the words that matches ours. 

As others perception of reality is different to our own it can only be a partial mutual understanding. For many things and actions we use words where the meaning is closely shared - chair, dog, sleep, walk. Actually, do we mean a brisk walk to the station, a stroll through the park or perhaps the action of lifting one foot, tilting the body as the foot moves forwards, lowers, takes the body's weight as the other foot lifts, moves forwards and so on. 

Meaning is changing and relative. What is happening is happening whether it is explained or not. 

We seek comparisons though for more complex situations - the stuff of philosophy, ethics, science, faith, emotions and behaviour that is unexpected, not being met with a smile by an acquaintance, being shouted at by a stranger and so on. 

In each situation we seek and we crave meaning. There may be meaning but it may not be needed by us. It doesn't matter why a stranger chooses to shout at us but we want to know why. Even if something that is just the result of a series of events that has not previously been in our awareness happens to us we seek a meaning - was it our bad luck? Birds eat, birds fly, birds shit and it lands on you. That is the explanation, its not luck. 

In seeking meaning to explain (away) an event or feeling or a reality we use metaphors and stories as comparisons. We crave a simple link between actions by way of comparisons. The story of x gives us an insight into the thing y that is happening to us now. 

We use comparisons in understanding our place in the universe, our changing position is time and space and the probabilities that flow through and around us. Just like that, creating a metaphor of "flow" - we want to see probability in our mind's eye as a flow, perhaps if we could just see it as a series of ever changing winds and currents that shape our progress through life. 

But, its not like that. Science seeks and uses metaphor to reduce the sheer complexity of the detail of life and the cause and effect relationships that interplay with each other. 

Reduce it to a manageable, palatable, series of linear events. There are causes and effects; some are very direct. Where though we blind ourselves to awareness is seeking to make sense of the world around us with comparative stories whose links to the situation to they seek to bring meaning to are stretched and creaking. 

The very telling of the stories becomes religion and immersion in them becomes faith.

Rather than offering the meaning they satisfy a craving for both meaning and mystery. They say we are both small in the universe but that we are everything. Both of which are crap - we are collections of chemicals and processes that move about and process events. We are lots bigger than many things and lots smaller than many. We are made of molecules, we run chemical/biological processes, we are born, live, reproduce, die, rot turning continually from molecules into a coalescence of "us" and back into a separation of molecules. 

The stories, the explanations, the allegories are so often masking from us the ability we have to encounter the world as it is, for us, just now. Craving meaning is a route to endless hunger - as a man searching in a desert will always find, the belief that his god will guide him to food is crap. He is either near enough to food and going in the right direction or he will starve. 


You can turnover every rock looking for enlightenment. 
But you already have it, its you and the rocks.


If we look at it through a pin hole its simple. Its a point of light. Or on a piece of paper, its a story. Or we add a third dimension its all around us. Or time, we can travel through it, back and forth growing knowledge. Or add chance, and see how the actions of all other events move through that time and space. Complex, simply.

Clean pants

I threw myself under the wheels of a bus for a moment of instant enlightenment. I knew in that instant that I was right, not wearing clean underpants was unimportant in the scheme of things..
When we have perfect minds why do we drink, take drugs or dwell in selfendulgence. 

When walking through a life of growing perfection, bliss dawning, a wise woman came to a beautiful, still, silent pool. Its mirror calm surface reflected the sky and the snowy peaks all around. 

She sat on a sun warmed rock for an hour and chucked in a stone, and then another one.

Fools awakening

The fool woke up for an instant. 

At the instant of waking he knew the true meaning of everything. Now i know why everything happens, why we are here, why all and everything that has, is and will ever be needs to be as it is.

Now i can die happy, and he did just that over several years just as he might have done anyway.

Once a fool...

Friday, September 16, 2011


When I was young, very young, there were flowers all around, I guess - I didnt notice them

When I was older I moved to London and there was concreate and brick and filth all around and I noticed in the cracks in the paving small flowers and, with the sight of them, my heart filled with joy

And then I moved and there were flowers and plants all around and, with the presence of them, I feel my heart fill with joy

I see the paving slabs now with no flowers and the joy is the same

And now, so often, I shut my eyes and just notice all that is there and I realise that my heart is already filled with joy - the flowers and the stories and the music are the twinkles on the top.

Truth - I did'nt think so, honestly

On truth - where can it be and why seek it. 

Truth is what we perceive it to be - largely. We feel that we know certain things to be true, the presence of the Earth beneath our feet, the wind blowing through the trees. 

It entertains us to debate whether these truths are true or not. Other than entertainment and mental stimulation I'm not sure of their value (thats a question, not a statement, probably).

Why do we seek truth? I do believe (paradoxically, as a belief that truth cannot exist, must always be... Mustnt it?) that truth is what we construct it to be. We each have responsibility for our own truth - our log of the good and bad that we do. We are not though solely responsible.

We are social beings - mostly. We try to influence each other and we are influenced. We like to fit in and we don't like those we define as outsiders - ultimately, there will be people who behave in such a way that even the most open and engaging person will consider to be an "outsider" - such as enthusiastic murderers, rapists, etc. 

We embrace belonging and that means embodying the beliefs of those around us. In relation to them we are insiders rather than outsiders. 

The truth is that which we have grown into since the day we were born. We are, in my view, responsible for challenging what is and is not true but many people don't have, or do not realise they have, the capacity to challenge what they believe. 

And, why would they? What is the motivation for challenging what is, so it seems, true? A truth that pits people against each other, allows guilt and fear to eat away at our hearts, to justify the destruction of other living things. 

Truth, like love, is a loaded term. Other than those bleeding obvious things, its is relative. It can be "bad" when it leads to wrong - like a false truth that leads to racism or sexism. Or, shall I say, good...

A good truth - its not a single thing, its contextual and relative too - it is where we are now, in this moment. Its who we love, who we don't notice, who we hate.... And its probably not why we hold those views (the details are so often irrelevant) but more the impact of them on our emotions. 

The truth for me is awareness of what is going on around and within me - and also, I have little doubt, in and around you and everyone else. 

So, why think about truth? Truth is so often a lie - we know all things change but it suits our need to belong to accept untruths, lies, as reality. 

So, truth is reality - the things that are actually happening when we strip out the crap... No, of course not, the truth is whatever it happens to be at the moment... there is no cause and effect with right and wrong.