Thursday, October 27, 2011

A state

I entered a state, post reality - though that is irrelevant.

Time just sat around me - hot, airless and the ticking of two clocks and the breathing of four people. Don't search for meaning; thats just what was happening.

Decay was happening and seemed, to me, to be palpable and, like time, happening at a sensory level - it just was and it was very clear and unusually apparent.

I felt myself fight it, struggle and fidget. The smell was of carpets and old chairs, dust, feet, books.

I didn't taste it, I kind of know already what that taste is - thats a wee pre-judgement I will allow myself  - I've tasted old furnishings before and a few times is enough for me and a few times too many for most people (I've paid my dues to that particular curiosity).

Sometimes now is quite unpleasant and it contrasts nicely with the mostly pleasant.