Friday, May 28, 2010

Pussy knees and nose, knees and nose

Today, unusually, I took the opportunity to smell the skin of my knees - they were dangling in front of my face, so it was chance not to miss.

The smell reminded me of skin smells - of a day many years ago. The day after a first fuck.

I was at work, bored - in a meeting. Elbows on the table I rested my head in my hand and drifted until the smell - very faint, still warm and sweet on my fingers - woke me.

Mmmmm warm cunt, face held in soft thighs .... raised my attention; as it does now.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I had to stop the fun, it was too much

I nailed my head to the door

I had to stop the wind banging it... thump thump thump

It was good to stop the fun too... I loved to bang my head against the door but

I had to stop the fun, it was too much


I can see these people walking about - they are trying to organise a piss up in a brewery.

They have been running around in circles for years.

I have been avoiding thinking about them - but now I have little choice.

And what do I see - there is no brewery and there is no piss-up.

These people are not drunk; they are idiots.

Monday, May 24, 2010

What shape will you be to day Sir?

"Oh, I'm not sure, perhaps thicker at the top, tapering to a point near the floor - like a wedge on its pointed end please."

"Certainly Sir - I have just the tool for the job".

For an hour or so a most frenetic activity and buzz filled the small leatherette lined room. A fug of pain, a slashing of knives and the swift snitsnitsnit of neat little stitches.

Some time later the job was complete and the man tried to stand - but oh, he could not, not upon his pointed end.

"Sir, perhaps we could invert you?"

"You could" replied the man "but how will I walk on my fat ended head?"

"Oh dear Sir, I fear we have gone a little too far towards the artist and a little too far from, well, the practical outdoors-man. I fear Sir that you will need to contract the services of a burly servant to move you from place to place."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Boil me honey honey kill me.

Why is the boiling of my nerves not killing the butterflies in boots as I remember the thought: couldn't I be dead, just for a while.... just sleep like death and wake up when all is clear and forgotten - when I look at things straight on they look quite fine but in the shadows and in the corner of my eye there seems to be... I wish it would attack, smother and kill me or just stop.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sniffing at elections

I'm trying to remember to type quietly and not to sniff.

Elections - what joy with the conlab bring us - shiny suited men with shiny suited smiles. A new politics - all agreement and spun into a yarn which is smooth but somehow smells even when white-washed... smells of something brown, shit brown rather than old brown Gordon Brown.

Gordon Brown, texture like.... crud. Bless him, monocular and brown.

Fuck, shit ,bugger - sniffed.

I feel sniffy at this election business - eek will it be a disaster, will it be great?

Nah, it will be "business" as usual. Bullshit, flannel and other such things illusory. Governments only seem able to get in the way of freedom - to fiddle about making rules for all for the sake of the few.

Perhaps we should be as we know we really should be - kind, helpful, busy. Keeping our hands moving to stop the devil taking them - keep him from making us stick 'em in the pie or from poking out the kittens eyes.

Poor wee blinded beasties stumbling off in to the cold dark northern night - not a mousy nor a housey for them.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Blue Birds Over the White Cliffs of Dover

You - you can't come in.

We live here in the green and tolerant land of free-speakers.

We are keeping the jam for us - now, off you go.