Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sniffing at elections

I'm trying to remember to type quietly and not to sniff.

Elections - what joy with the conlab bring us - shiny suited men with shiny suited smiles. A new politics - all agreement and spun into a yarn which is smooth but somehow smells even when white-washed... smells of something brown, shit brown rather than old brown Gordon Brown.

Gordon Brown, texture like.... crud. Bless him, monocular and brown.

Fuck, shit ,bugger - sniffed.

I feel sniffy at this election business - eek will it be a disaster, will it be great?

Nah, it will be "business" as usual. Bullshit, flannel and other such things illusory. Governments only seem able to get in the way of freedom - to fiddle about making rules for all for the sake of the few.

Perhaps we should be as we know we really should be - kind, helpful, busy. Keeping our hands moving to stop the devil taking them - keep him from making us stick 'em in the pie or from poking out the kittens eyes.

Poor wee blinded beasties stumbling off in to the cold dark northern night - not a mousy nor a housey for them.

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