Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I met my friend John last week: actually, thats only partially true. I met my friend John when we were both about 9 years old. And, I met my friend John again last week - we have met on many other occasions.

I gave John a hint where to find this blog; so far it has hidden itself extremely well in the evil web that when I looked at my "hits" I saw that there was one - the first for weeks - last week I must assume that John, clever bugger, did indeed find it. Given my hit rate he (you...) may be my only reader.

That - audience - is not a problem: Rambling is a problem. Over hill and dale I trudge barely getting any closer to saying what I intend to say at some point in this blog. Oh, delayed at the blog by a bog while I rambled lonely as a cow looking for a distant tent.

Anyway. John found an address for me of another friend from way back when (when?) - but this is the address of a long-lost friend. One with whom I lost contact 20 or more years ago. John is a nasty, horrid, evil, journo (John, if you are reading this then obviously I am refering to another John altogether who has been, up to this point, not mentioned) and has access to info that allows him to track down lost people.

This friend, who will for now, perhaps forever, remain nameless lives further along the coast. I sent him a postcard, he'll get it today. I wonder if he will get in contact. I'll let you (and you John) know.

Also, another friend who was not entirely lost, but was nonetheless unfindable has made more contact than usual. Someone that I had a big falling out with - offering a cooling in relations. Something that always seems a good idea to me.

Who knows - 2008 - a year for finding the things that we lost but did not know we had - like a cow trying to find a tent that she did not know was hers to have. I have never seen a cow in a tent - odd, both are so commonly found in fields.

Take care love bunnies.


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