Monday, April 15, 2013

The Past - legs-up-to-there and posh-as-you-like

The Past was there - on the bench, back the way we had come....

It was sitting there - still somehow calling us as we sat and ate sandwiches and shared shit cheap diesel wine from the bottle.

So, as we walked back that way we spoke about how we might help the Past spend its time (so much time and not a nice place to spend it) - perhaps buy it a sandwich too (it certainly wasn't getting any of our wine).

So you, all legs-up-to-here and posh-as-you-like walked up to the Past and went to offer it a snack - but you recoiled - stepped back - revolted - that Past, on that bench, just around the corner from Smithfield had its cock out, wanking at the passers by.

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